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كورس الفوتوشوب | Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional

إتقان برنامج أدوبي فوتوشوب للتصميم الجرافيكي ، التصوير الفوتوغرافي ، الريتاتش ، الرسم الرقمي والتوضيح ، الرسوم المتحركة.
كورس الفوتوشوب  Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional
كورس الفوتوشوب  Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional

إن Photoshop CC MasterClass ببساطة أكثر من 12 دورة في One BIG MasterClass تغطي كل جوانب وتطبيقات Adobe Photoshop تقريبًا بطريقة مفصلة وإبداعية وعملية.
الكورس كامل بالفيديو مقدم من يوديمى.

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كورس الفوتوشوب | Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional
كورس الفوتوشوب | Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional
كورس الفوتوشوب | Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional

Master Adobe Photoshop for Graphic design, Photography, Photoshop retouching, digital painting & illustration, Animation
Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative
What you’ll learn
Learn Photoshop from Scratch to Pro level and add it to your CV.
Your acquired knowledge of Photoshop can be a great skill to start earning money.
Pursuit your graphic designer, Digital Artist, Photographer dream job by mastering Photoshop.
You will learn how to use photoshop tools & techniques in a creative real world applications.
learn photoshop with graphic design & photography theories.
you will learn to select & mask images with different techniques including tough areas like Hair, Smoke..etc.
you will learn how to design precisely in Photoshop using design grids & guides.
Work like a professional in Photoshop mastering all Non- destructive techniques.
Create amazing posters & Artwork that you use for your portfolio.
learn how to retouch images & enhance your own images in a beautiful way.
fix & colorize black & white vintage images.
fix colors, exposure & contrast and take your photography skills to next level.
you will master Typography in Photoshop & create amazing Typography posters.
Create amazing Ads in different formats using only photoshop.
create gifs & animated Ads in photoshop as everything moving toward motion.
Learn how to video edit in Photoshop & add Photoshop effects to your videos.
learn how to Design Trending Visual styles.
Create 3D design in Photoshop.
Create graphics from scratch.
learn digital painting fundamentals.
learn how to master brushes in Photoshop & create your own brushes
fix & whiten teeth, retouch faces & body flaws.
play with Type: wrap it interlock it with you design elements.
prepare your Artwork for print, web & screen applications
export different photoshop formats.
learn how to create Animation in 3D world in Photoshop
Use the Pen & drawing tools like a professional in Photoshop
Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative
Any version of Adobe Photoshop, preferably the CC (Creative Cloud) version (Free Trial version will work as well)
No prior knowledge is required either for Photoshop or design in general.
This Photoshop CC MasterClass is simply More than 12 COURSES in One BIG MasterClass!
Covering Almost all Adobe Photoshop’s aspects & applications in a detailed, Creative and practical way.
Who is this course for?
Whether you are a BEGINNER or ADVANCED Graphic designer, Photographer, Digital Artist, Art Lover or even someone who is into enhancing your Instagram & Profile pictures. This course is designed for you!
As all Photoshop tools, Skills & Main topics are included in 14 sections, each of them can be a separate course on its own.
& each section is so detailed, with UNIQUE EDITING STYLE for the best explanation & most importantly straight to the point lessons not to waste your valuable time!
What does this course cover?
– Photoshop Essentials and basics.
– Layers & Photoshop’s panels.
– Transformation & Perspective tweaking.
– Design & work Precisely in Photoshop.
– Photoshop Brushes & Digital Painting.
– Raster Drawing & Photoshop Vector Drawing.
– Selection & masking in Photoshop.
– Smart Objects.
– Adjustments Layers.
– Image Retouching & Manipulation in Photoshop.
– Typography & Creative Advertising ideas.
– Animated Gifs & Video editing in Photoshop.
– Finalizing & Exporting Files from photoshop.
– 3D design in Photoshop.
* Downloadable Goodies:
This Photoshop Course is jam-packed with ( Artwork project files – Design assets & exercises ) to help you build your portfolio, create stunning Artwork & build those Photoshop Muscles.
You will get to learn photoshop’s best practices from day one by doing fun real-world projects then upload them our course’s exclusive facebook group to get personalized feedback from me or share your Artwork & get inspired by a group of like-minded students from all over the world.
Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative
The Instructor is What Makes the course so special, Right?
Khalil Ibrahim is a Chief designer who promoted to that title after working in many international advertising agencies with experience over 15 years in the design field and using Adobe Photoshop.
Besides traveling around the world learning about different Design Schools, Trends & Art Directions. and who really cared to not only make sure you understand Photoshop’s tools, technicals & concepts but Also to really learn it in a creative way and to use it Artistically like a Creative professional.
Enroll Now and let’s Master Adobe Photoshop Together!
Who this course is for:
Anyone who is wants to use Photoshop for his career.
Graphic designers, Photographers, Illustrators, digital artists, motion graphic artists.
Creative people who like art as a hobby and want to express their Artistic thoughts and ideas into some real designs & Artwork.

مساحة الكورس 6 جيجا

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كلمات دلالية :
Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional , كورس Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative , تحميل Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional , تنزيل Photoshop CC MasterClass Be a Creative Professional

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