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كورس الإليكترونيات للمبتدئين | Electronics for Complete Beginners

أصبحت الإليكترونيات مهمة للكثير من المجالات ؛ كالاتصالات والسيارات والأمن والدفاع والإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.
كورس الإليكترونيات للمبتدئين  Electronics for Complete Beginners
كورس الإليكترونيات للمبتدئين  Electronics for Complete Beginners

سوف تتعرف فى هذا الكورس على النظرية الكامنة وراء أنواع متنوعة من الدوائر الكهربائية والإلكترونية.
إن الكورس يركز على الجوانب العملية للتكنولوجيا ، بدلاً من الخوض في أعماق النظرية التي ستكون ذات قيمة ضئيلة في مواقف العمل في العالم الحقيقي.
انتقل من الصفر إلى الاحتراف في فهم متقدم للأساسيات.
الكورس كامل بالفيديو مقدم من يوديمى.

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى : من هنا

كورس الإليكترونيات للمبتدئين | Electronics for Complete Beginners
كورس الإليكترونيات للمبتدئين  Electronics for Complete Beginners
كورس الإليكترونيات للمبتدئين  Electronics for Complete Beginners

What you’ll learn
When you have completed this training, your knowledge of the terminology and physical principles that form the basis of the technology will be complete,
at least the equal of what you might achieve in a more formal (and expensive) learning environment.
You will be ready to go on to further, more narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose, or prepared to sieze opportunities that come your way in the future.
Electronics is a somewhat math-intensive technology, so a positive (fearless) attitude about math will be helpful.
Electronics for Complete Beginners
Electronics has become important to many fields; communications, automotive, security, defense and consumer electronics, to name just a few.
This course will familiarize you with the theory behind various types of electrical and electronic circuitry.
It concentrates on practical aspects of the technology, rather than delving into depths of theory that will be of little value in real-world working situations.
The teaching style is conversational one-on-one, the course consisting exclusively of short video presentations. PowerPoint, screen captures, text files, and the like are not used.
A PDF version of each session is provided, which you may download and combine as your own searchable resource for future reference.
If you are a person who likes to know how things work, and enjoys the challenge of figuring out why not when they don’t,
the study of electrical engineering technology is sure to offer knowledge and skills that will interest you,
and opportunities in the workplace that you will find personally rewarding, and financially attractive.
This course can help you qualify for careers in a variety of entry-level positions, such as electronics technician,
service technician, telecommunications technician and engineering technician.
Technology-focused companies and organizations hire employees who understand analog and digital electronics. Your understanding will be complete;
comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future,
and ready to go on to further, more narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.
Who this course is for:
If your goal is to move up into one of these better-paying jobs, you can get that basic training here, learning it all at your own pace, and in a stress-free conversational environment.

مساحة الكورس 5,6 جيجا

تستطيع أيضا متابعة جديد الكورسات من هنا 

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التحميل من رابط واحد

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التحميل من رابط مقسم

الجزء 1       الجزء 2       الجزء 3       الجزء 4       الجزء 5       الجزء 6

كلمات دلالية :
Electronics for Complete Beginners , تحميل Electronics for Complete Beginners , كورس Electronics for Complete Beginners

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