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برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى | Paint.NET 4.2.2

ان برنامج Paint.NET هو برنامج مجاني لتحرير الصور ومعالجتها تم انشاءة لاستخدامه على أجهزة الكمبيوتر التي تعمل بنظام Windows.
برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى  Paint.NET 4.2.3
برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى  Paint.NET 4.2.3

يدعم البرنامج الطبقات ، والتراجع غير المحدود ، والمؤثرات الخاصة ، ومجموعة مختلفة من الأدوات المفيدة والقوية.
لقد تم انشاء البرنامج أصلاً كبديل مجاني لبرنامج MS Paint الذي يأتي مع الويندوز ، ثم ذاع صيتة واصبح أداة قوية وبسيطة لتحرير الصور الفوتوغرافية والصور.
وفى هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم اليوم ان شاء الله آخر إصدارمن هذا البرنامج الرائع.
برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى | Paint.NET 4.2.2
Paint.NET is free image written material and photograph manipulation package designed to be used on computers that run Windows. It supports layers, unlimited undo, camera work, and a good sort of helpful and powerful tools.
It started development as associate collegian faculty senior style project mentored by Microsoft, and is presently being maintained by a number of the alumni that originally worked on that.
Originally supposed as a free replacement for the MS Paint package that comes withWindows, it's big into a strong nevertheless straightforward tool for photograph and image written material. The programing language wont to produce PaintNET is C#, with alittle quantity of C++ for installation and shell-integration connected practicality.
Paint.NET are often wont to enhance and shut down your images. victimization the Clone Stamp tool, the facility lines that criss-crossed before of the area Needle were fastidiously removed. alternative operations were performed that had the impact of smoothing out theimage while not blurring it, adding some “bloom” (glow), and increasing the distinction.
Simple, intuitive, and innovative computer programme
Every feature and computer programme part was designed to be right away intuitive and quickly learnable while not help. so as to handle multiple pictures simply, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs show a live fingernail of theimage rather than a text description. This makes navigation terribly straightforward and quick.
Usually solely found on big-ticket or sophisticated skilled package, layers type the premise for an expensive image composition expertise. you'll think about them as a stack of transparency slides that, once viewed along at an equivalent time, type oneimage.
Active on-line Community
Paint.NET has a web forum with a friendly, passionate, and ever-expanding community. make certain to examine out the perpetually growing list of tutorials and plugins!
Frequently Updated
Updates sometimes present itself each four to eight weeks, and contain new options, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. Upgrading to the newest version is incredibly straightforward, requiring solely 2 clicks of the mouse.

مساحة البرنامج 8 ميجا

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كلمات دلالية :
برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى , تحميل برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى, ـ،.]لأ برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى, حمل برابط مباشر برنامج تحرير الصور المجانى, Paint.NET , حمل Paint.NET, تحميل برنامج  Paint.NET, تنزيل برنامج Paint.NET , آخر إصدار من برنامج Paint.NET

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