برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة Yasisoft GIF Animator |
برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة | Yasisoft GIF Animator
تستطيع بسهولة من خلال البرنامج إنشاء إعلانات بانر متحركة وأزرار وصور وحتى رسوم متحركة.
مع الاداة القوية لمحرر الصور المدمج القوي ، فلن تحتاج إلى برنامج Photoshop أو Gimp أو أي محرر آخر.
أدوات التعديل:
أدوات رسم الأشكال ، أداة الرش ، تأثيرات الصور، أداة التحويل ، أداة تعديل المسار ، أداة النص ، أداة الفرشاة وما إلى ذلك.
وفى هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم اليوم ان شاء الله آخر إصدار من البرنامج بالتفعيل
برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة | Yasisoft GIF Animator
*****لمزيد من البرامج المتنوعة من خلال الرابط التالي:
yasisoft gif animator is an smooth-to-use and effective device for creating lively gif pix. you may without problems create your animated banners, buttons, photos, or even cartoons. with the effective integrated photo editor, you don’t need photoshop, gimp or some other editor. some modifying gear: drawing shapes gear, remodel device, edit course tool, text device, brush tool, spray device, image effects and so on. features and abilties:
* all equipment and consequences are smooth to understand and to apply. running with yasisoft gif animator is quite simple.
* rich integrated animation participant.
yasisoft gif animator
* frame management: manipulate multiple frames right now, flow and copy frames, add and take away frames.
yasisoft gif animator
* effective built-in image editor.
* crop, rotate, resize and turn photos.
* many computer graphics are protected for reinforcing and perfecting your pics. the whole lot from blurring, polishing, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, distortion, noise, and embossing are covered. you could additionally convert an image to black and white, or sepia-toned.
yasisoft gif animator
* insert shapes from the included shapes library. double click the shape from the list to add it.
* draw simple shapes (which includes traces, curves, ellipses, rectangles, stars, polygons and spirals) as well as the potential to convert and manipulate these primary shapes through rotation, stretching and skewing.
* guide for lots popular file formats: png, jpeg, bmp, gif, tga, webp, tiff, raw digital camera pix and many others.
* rich text equipment: you may upload one-of-a-kind textual content to photos, placing a text on a path, text multi shadow and just like the graphic gear, the textual content gear also help transparency, gradients and patterns.
yasisoft gif animator
* the spray device and brush tool: the spray tool is used to distribute copies of an item (or objects) and a broom is a pixmap or set of pixmaps used for painting.
yasisoft gif animator
* edit route tools: it's far used to choose and manage nodes so one can exactly exchange the form of curves.
* gradients and styles: you could use the kind of gradients and styles that come with the software program or alternately, create new ones on your own.
yasisoft gif animator gradients yasisoft gif animator patterns
* layers: the usage of layers, you can construct an photo of numerous conceptual elements, each of which can be manipulated without affecting some other a part of the image. layers are stacked on top of each other. further, layers may be locked and made invisible to ease modifying of objects within different layers of the image.
* complete alpha channel support for working with transparency.
whats new:
authentic web page does not offer any information approximately adjustments on this version.
مساحة البرنامج 33 ميجا
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برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة , تحميل برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة , تنزيل برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة , أفضل برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة , اسهل برنامج إنشاء الصور المتحركة , Yasisoft GIF Animator , برنامج Yasisoft GIF Animator, تحميل برنامج Yasisoft GIF Animator , تنزيل برنامج Yasisoft GIF Animator