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إصدار جديد من أداة إزالة الأدوار | Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7.4.2

كلمة الادوار Adware هي اختصار لـ advertising-supported software وهو عبارة عن برنامج خبيث نوعاً ما يدخل إلى الجهاز الخاص بك غالباً ما يكون مدمجاً مع أحد البرامج الأخرى ويقوم بعرض الإعلانات أمامك رغما عنك.
إصدار جديد من أداة إزالة الأدوار  Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7.4.2
إصدار جديد من أداة إزالة الأدوار  Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7.4.2
 وهي وسيلة لاأخلاقية للإعلان ويعد من البرامج الضارة وقد يكون مزودا بخاصية تسجل كل ماتكتبه بلوحة المفاتيح ثم يجمع الكلمات التي تستعملها ويقوم بتحليل أي الكلمات أكثر إستعمالا ليتعرف علي إهتماماتك ويقدم لك الإعلانات حسب اهتماماتك.
إن عالم الانترنت مليء بالمخربين يجب أخد الحيطة والحذر ولذلك أقدم لكم اليوم الإصدار الجديد من أداة إزالة الأدوار والأداة مجانية ولا تحتاج إلى تثبيت.
فقط قم بفتح الاداة ثم Scan بعد ذلك ستقوم الأداة بفحص جهازك بشكل كامل وتحديد الملفات المصابة وإخبارك بها وإزالتها بعدها سيطلب منك البرنامج عمل ريستارت لتتم الإزالة بشكل كامل ونهائى.
إصدار جديد من أداة إزالة الأدوار | Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7.4.2

AdwCleaner is a program that searches for and deletes Adware, Toolbars, Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), and browser Hijackers from your computer.
By using AdwCleaner you can easily remove many of these types of programs for a better user experience on your computer and while browsing the web. AdwCleaner is a tool that deletes :
· Adwares (software ads)
· PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program)
· Toolbars
· Hijacker (Hijack of the browser’s homepage)
The types of programs that AdwCleaner targets are typically bundled with free programs that you download from the web. In many cases when you download and install a program, the install will state that these programs will be installed along with the program you downloaded. Unless you perform a Custom install, these unwanted programs will automatically be installed on your computer leaving you with extra browser toolbars, adware, and other unwanted programs. AdwCleaner is designed to search for and remove these types of programs.
AdwCleaner Usage Instructions:
Using AdwCleaner is very simple. Simply download the program and run it. You will then be presented with a screen that contains a Scan and Clean button. The Scan button will cause AdwCleaner to search your computer for unwanted programs and then display all the files, folders, and registry entries found on your computer that are used by adware programs.
When the scan has finished, look through the scan results and uncheck any entries that you do not wish to remove. When you are satisfied with the selection, simply click on the Clean button, which will cause AdwCleaner to reboot your computer and remove the files and registry entries associated with the various adware that you are removing. On reboot, AdwCleaner will display a log showing the files, folders, and registry entries that were removed.
It is also important to note that certain adware programs such as Babylon and Delta Search include a program that alerts you when a program is trying to change your browser’s search or home page settings. When running AdwCleaner it will reset your search settings to the default Microsoft one if it detects it has been changed by an adware. If you see the warning that states AdwCleaner is trying to change your browser settings, please allow it to do so.
AdwCleaner also contains some advanced options that disable certain detections. To access these options, you can click on the question mark (?) in the upper left corner of the program and then click on Options. You will then be presented with a dialog where you can disable various detections.
These options are described below:
/DisableAskDetection – This option disables Ask Toolbar detection.
/DisableIEDetection – This option disables Internet Explorer specific detections.
/DisableFFDetection – This option disables Firefox specific detections.
/DisableChromeDetection – This option disables detections for Chrome & Chromium based browsers.
/DisableOperaDetection – This option disables Opera specific detections.
/DisableProxyDetection – This option disables Internet Proxy detections.

مساحة البرنامج 7 ميجا تقريباً

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كلمات مفتاحية :
أداة إزالة الأدوار Malwarebytes AdwCleaner , برنامج الحماية من الأدوار , تحميل أداة إزالة الأدوار 2019  , Malwarebytes AdwCleaner ,Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 2019 , برنامج Malwarebytes AdwCleaner , تحميل Malwarebytes AdwCleaner

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