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حدث كل البرامج بضغطة واحدة | IObit Software Updater Pro

ان برنامج IObit Software Updater Pro هو أحد البرامج الحديثة والهامة من شركة IObit العملاقة.
حدث كل البرامج بضغطة واحدة  IObit Software Updater Pro
حدث كل البرامج بضغطة واحدة  IObit Software Updater Pro

مهمة البرنامج تتلخص فى انه يقوم أولاً بتحليل كل البرامج المثبتة على الويندوز الخاص بك وتحديد الإصدارات وتنبيهك بتوفر تحديثات لها وبضغطة واحدة فقط يمكنك تحميل وتحديث كل برامجك.
البرنامج جديد و مميز بشكل كامل حتى الان وفي هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم اخر اصدار من البرنامج معه التفعيل .
حدث كل البرامج بضغطة واحدة | IObit Software Updater Pro

IObit Software Updater was designed to simplify the task of keeping all the applications on your computer up-to-date.
It can check for new versions and install them automatically, even without user input. Moreover, it can help you download and install popular applications for various purposes.
Keep your installed software up-to-date
The application was mainly designed to help you download and install updates for your software.
When you launch it for the first time, it scans your PC for supported programs and checks if newer versions are available. If found, updates can be downloaded and installed automatically.
It is worth noting that IObit Updater only supports popular applications, so you cannot rely on it to keep all your installed software up-to-date.
It would be great if more programs were supported, as being able to update less mainstream software would make it a lot more helpful.
Download and install recommended applications
Aside from updating existing software, IObit Updater can also help you download and set up recommended programs that can help you in various ways.
These applications are sorted into various categories (browsers, security, multimedia, etc.), and you can select multiple products and install them all at once.
Create restore points and restore your system if necessary
When you install updates, the application can create a restore point automatically.
If you run into any issues with the newer versions of software, you can revert to an earlier restore point at any time.
To sum up, IObit Software Updater is a helpful program for users who need an easier way to keep their installed applications up-to-date, as well as install new software.
However, it supports a limited number of products at present, so it would benefit from an expanded software database.
Whats New:
Expanded database by 55% to support updating/installing more programs.
Adopted new download algorithm for faster downloading.
Supported silent update/install for almost 99% programs.
Optimized update algorithm for a higher update success rate up to 98.7%.
Supported 34 languages.

مساحة البرنامج 11 ميجا

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IObit Software Updater Pro , تحميل برنامج IObit Software Updater Pro , حمل برابط مباشر IObit Software Updater Pro , تنزيل IObit Software Updater Pro , برنامج تحديث البرامج , برنامج IObit Software Updater Pro لتحديث البرامج

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