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برنامج أدوبى أديشن 2019 | Adobe Audition CC 2019 v12.1.5.3

ان برنامج أدوبى أديشن من افضل وأشهر برامج هندسة الصوت والذى يمكنك من تسجيل الصوت وتعديله وإزالة التشويش منه وإضافة المؤثرات التي تريدها عليه وإستخراجه لأى صيغة تريدها حسب المشروع الذى تعمل عليه.
برنامج أدوبى أوديشن 2019  Adobe Audition CC 2019 v12.1.5.3
برنامج أدوبى أوديشن 2019  Adobe Audition CC 2019 v12.1.5.3

في 17 يونيو 2013 أصدر أدوبي أوديشن 6 ، والذي يعرف أكثر باسم أوديشن سي سي ، وهو أول إصدار يكون جزء من مجموعة أدوب كرييتف كلاود ” السحابية ” Adobe Creative Cloud،.
وفى هذا الموضوع أقدم لكم أحدث إصدار من البرنامج معه التفعيل
برنامج أدوبى أديشن 2019 | Adobe Audition CC 2019 v12.1.5.3

Adobe Audition CC. A professional audio workstation. Create, mix, and design sound effects with the industry’s best digital audio editing software. Audition CC is a comprehensive toolset that includes multitrack, waveform, and spectral display for creating, mixing, editing, and restoring audio content. This powerful audio workstation is designed to accelerate video production workflows and audio finishing — and deliver a polished mix with pristine sound.
What’s New in Audition CC 2019:
DeReverb & DeNoise effects [NEW]
Reduce or remove reverb and background noise from recordings without noise prints or complicated parameters with these efficient real-time effects or through the Essential Sound panel.
Improved playback and recording performance [NEW]
Playback over 128 audio tracks or record over 32 tracks, at low latencies, on common workstations and without expensive, proprietary, single-purpose acceleration hardware.
Improved multitrack UI [NEW]
Playback over 128 audio tracks or record over 32 tracks, at low latencies, on common workstations and without expensive, proprietary, single-purpose acceleration hardware.
On-clip gain control and waveform scaling [NEW]
Adjust your audio without moving your eyes or mouse cursor away from your content with on-clip gain adjustments. Use your eyes and ears to match clip loudness to neighboring clips with a waveform that smoothly scales in real-time to amplitude adjustments.
Add tracks and delete empty tracks [NEW]
Quickly add multiple audio or bus tracks of any channelization at once, or clean up all unused audio tracks in a session, with these commands.
Zoom to time [NEW]
Zoom to specific durations with customizable presets. No more guesswork or small adjustments needed to see an exact length of time.
Effects and presets migration [NEW]
When upgrading, Audition can import all 3rd party effects already scanned by a previous version of Audition, as well as custom effect presets and more.
System Requirements:
– Processor: Multicore processor with 64-bit support
– Operating system: Microsoft® Windows 10 (64 bit) version 1703 or higher.
– RAM: 4GB of RAM
– Hard disk space: 4GB of available hard-disk space for installation; plus additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
– Monitor resolution: 1920×1080 or larger display
– OpenGL: OpenGL 2.0 capable system
– Sound card: Sound card compatible with ASIO protocol, WASAPI, or Microsoft WDM/MME
– Control surface support : USB interface and/or MIDI interface may be required for external control surface support (see manufacturer’s specifications for your device)
– CD burning: Optical drive is used for CD burning (optional)

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كلمات دلالية :
برنامج الهندسة الصوتية , برنامج مونتاج الصوت , اشهر برامج الهندسة الصوتية , برنامج أدوبى أوديشن , تحميل برنامج أدوبى أوديشن لهندسة الصوت , Adobe Audition cc ’, تحميل Adobe Audition cc , برنامج Adobe Audition cc للتحميل Adobe Audition cc , تنزيل Adobe Audition cc , تفعيل Adobe Audition cc

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