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برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات | McAfee Endpoint Security

برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات  McAfee Endpoint Security
برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات  McAfee Endpoint Security

برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات | McAfee Endpoint Security

مع برنامج مكافى الجديد McAfee Endpoint Security المتخصص فى الحماية الشاملة من الفيروسات.
البرنامج متكامل حقاً بحيث يعطيك الحماية الكاملة من كل المخاطر التى تهددك سواء من الفيروسات أو الملفات الخبيثة
وكذلك ستكون فى أمان تام أثناء تصفحك على الإنترنت.
يتميز برنامج McAfee Endpoint Security بسهولة استخدامه وقوته الفائقة فى الحماية من كل المخاطر التى تهددك.
وفى هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم اليوم ان شاء الله آخر إصدار من البرنامج معه التفعيل.
برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات | McAfee Endpoint Security

شاهد ايضا:

* برنامج الحماية من فيروسات التروجان وإزالتها | Loaris Trojan Remover  من هنااااا
* برنامج | avast Internet Security v19.4.2374 Build 19.4.4318.460 | لحماية جهازك  من هناااا
* برنامج أفاست بريمير 2019 | Avast! Premier Antivirus 19.4.2374 Build 19.4.4318.439  من هناااا
* إصدار جديد من برنامج الحماية الرهيب | Avira Antivirus Pro  من هنااااا

Our new endpoint protection suites emphasize integration, automation, and orchestration as the foundation of the threat defense lifecycle.
Harnessing the power of machine learning to detect zero-day threats in near real time, our suites streamline the ability to quickly expose and remediate advanced attacks so productivity isn’t compromised.
The volume and sophistication of endpoint threats has steadily grown as adversaries target these often mobile and remote assets as initial attack footholds.
Adding to the challenge, security teams, after years of bolting endpoint security point products together, are now managing an average of ten different agents and five different consoles—with little to no integration or automation.
McAfee has re-imagined our endpoint security offerings to provide a consolidated platform for endpoint defense that enables simpler investigations and one-click correction across the entire organization.
Through a single agent architecture with deep integration and automation, we remove silos between once-isolated capabilities to enhance efficiency and protection.
McAfee endpoint security products combine established capabilities such as firewall, reputation,
and heuristics with cutting-edge machine learning and containment, along with endpoint detection and response into a single platform agent, with a single management console.
The resulting integrated protection keeps users productive and connected while stopping zero-day malware, like ransomware, before it can infect the first endpoint.
McAfee Endpoint Security
In NSS Labs tests, McAfee Endpoint Security achieved a security effectiveness rating of 98.98% without any false positives.
McAfee Endpoint Security
With McAfee Endpoint Security 10, you can integrate advanced threat defense for faster incident response.
Endpoint protection products
Today’s advanced attacks require more than traditional antivirus defenses. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be overwhelming thanks to our endpoint protection suites.
Our enterprise endpoint security offerings are centrally managed and defend against the full threat spectrum from zero-day exploits to advanced targeted attacks.
McAfee Endpoint Threat Protection
Offers essential protection using multiple integrated endpoint protection software and technologies
that collaborate in real time to analyze and combat threats.
This product replaces McAfee Endpoint Protection Suite.
McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection
Provides advanced defenses that prevent, contain, and take action against zero-day threats and sophisticated attacks.
This endpoint protection solution replaces McAfee Complete Endpoint Protection—Enterprise.
McAfee Endpoint Threat Defense
Secures patient zero by containing malicious actions before they can execute at the endpoint, using machine learning to classify suspect behavior, and then evolving to combat future attacks.
McAfee Endpoint Threat Defense and Response
Combines behavior-based protection with continuous visibility and powerful insights to rapidly detect, contain, investigate,
and eliminate advanced endpoint threats at patient zero.
This endpoint protection platform includes McAfee Active Response, which is no longer available as a standalone product.

مساحة البرنامج 322 ميجا تقريباً

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كلمات دلالية :
برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات , تحميل برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات, تنزيل برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات, حمل مجانا برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات , حمل برابط واحد برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات , حمل برابط مباشر برنامج مكافى للحماية من الفيروسات, McAfee Endpoint Security , تحميل McAfee Endpoint Security 2019 , برنامج McAfee Endpoint Security 2019 للتحميل مجانا , آخر إصدار من برنامج McAfee Endpoint Security , تفعيل برنامج McAfee Endpoint Security, كراك برنامج McAfee Endpoint Security

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