برنامج حجب الإعلانات Adguard Premium 7.0.2408.6091 |
برنامج حجب الإعلانات | Adguard Premium 7.0.2408.6091
يعد برنامج adguard فريد من نوعه لانه يحتوي علي جميع المميزات اللازمة للحصول علي افضل تجربة علي الويب او الانترنت في منع الاعلانات التي تزعجك وانت تتصفح الانترنت .
انه برنامج مانع للاعلانات قوي جدا في هذا المجال ويتيح لك الاستمتاع بالانترنت دون اي تشتيت.
ولا تنزعك من الاعلانات التي تضهر قبل تشغيل مقاطع الفيديو التي تريد مشاهدتها لان البرنامج يقوم بحجب كل هذه الاعلانات ويمنحك حرية الاختيار ويحفظ اعصابك .
وكذلك فان البرنامج يجعل الانترنت عندك اكثر امانا حيث يمنع تحميل مواقع الويب الخطيرة وكذلك البرمجيات الخبيثة ويسرع تحميل الصفحة ويضمن خصوصيتك واكثر من ذلك بكثير سوف تكتشفة بنفسك عند استخدامك للبرنامج .
والبرنامج متوافق مع جميع المتصفحات والمواقع التي تستخدمها.
وفي هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم هذا البرنامج باخر اصدار مرفق معه التفعيل .
وفي هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم هذا البرنامج باخر اصدار مرفق معه التفعيل .
برنامج حجب الإعلانات | Adguard Premium 7.0.2408.6091
Adguard is a unique program that has all the necessary features for the best web experience.
First of all, it’s an ad blocker. Adguard lets you fully enjoy the Internet without any distractions.
Watch the videos you want to watch, not annoying pre-rolls, and browse websites for content not tons of banners.
Adguard gives you freedom of choice and saves your nerves.
It also makes the Internet a safer place:
blocks the loading of dangerous websites
speeds up the page loading
secures your privacy and much more.
Works perfectly with all browsers!
What can Adguard do?
– Ad Blocker. Blocking of all kinds of ads, high-quality filtering of traffic on the background.
Ads are removed even before pages are loaded in the browser.
– Browsing Security. Protection from phishing and malicious websites.
Adguard checks every page for any malicious content using our databases, and blocks requests from potentially dangerous ones
– Stealth Mode. This module will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet.
Blocking of third-parties cookies, hiding IP address and other features for protection of your personal data
– Parental Control. Protection of children online.
Blocks access to inappropriate websites, removes obscene materials from search results and much more.
Why Adguard?
– Adguard works in all browsers. Safari, Chrome — you name it. No exceptions.
– Easy to install. A couple of clicks, and your PC is protected from ads.
You don’t have to struggle with overcomplicated settings —
just surf the net and Adguard will do all the work.
– Blocking video ads. Any video ad, on any site — Adguard will block it.
– Application filtering. Adguard blocks ads of any kinds and not only in all browsers,
but in programs as well! Even in Windows UI applications (apps from Windows Store).
– Adguard has intuitive and simple UI with such additional features like Adguard Assistant, Filter editor and Filtering log.
– Daily ad filters and phishing databases updates.
New in version 6:
– Adguard user interface has been completely redesigned. Now has a modern Adguard “tile” design.
– Adguard been translated into many languages. This includes a user interface assistant Adguard, filters, etc.
– The positions of the application window is now saved and restored when you restart the application
– in the notification menu redesigned, improved availability of different options through the notification area
– The interface of the new version is much more friendly to blind users or users with low vision
– The speed of the user interface and loading speed were significantly optimized memory consumption greatly reduced.
– Now, when you first start Adguard shows the welcome screen for you to determine Adguard and briefly telling about its capabilities.
– Upgrading to a new version of Adguard 5 is now possible and does not lead to a loss of settings.
– New ability to change the channel updates on “Beta” and get all the beta updates, including updates Assistant and extensions.
– Anti tracking – a new module has been added. It protects your personal information online in various ways, including blocking cookies external sources, hiding IP addresses, and much more.
– Improved support for application filtering.
Whats New:
This is rather a hotfix then beta for those users who experienced problems with filtering via TDI driver.
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver #2308
لتحميل مزيد من البرامج والهامة لجهازك ادخل من هنااااااااا
Adguard is a unique program that has all the necessary features for the best web experience.
First of all, it’s an ad blocker. Adguard lets you fully enjoy the Internet without any distractions.
Watch the videos you want to watch, not annoying pre-rolls, and browse websites for content not tons of banners.
Adguard gives you freedom of choice and saves your nerves.
It also makes the Internet a safer place:
blocks the loading of dangerous websites
speeds up the page loading
secures your privacy and much more.
Works perfectly with all browsers!
What can Adguard do?
– Ad Blocker. Blocking of all kinds of ads, high-quality filtering of traffic on the background.
Ads are removed even before pages are loaded in the browser.
– Browsing Security. Protection from phishing and malicious websites.
Adguard checks every page for any malicious content using our databases, and blocks requests from potentially dangerous ones
– Stealth Mode. This module will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet.
Blocking of third-parties cookies, hiding IP address and other features for protection of your personal data
– Parental Control. Protection of children online.
Blocks access to inappropriate websites, removes obscene materials from search results and much more.
Why Adguard?
– Adguard works in all browsers. Safari, Chrome — you name it. No exceptions.
– Easy to install. A couple of clicks, and your PC is protected from ads.
You don’t have to struggle with overcomplicated settings —
just surf the net and Adguard will do all the work.
– Blocking video ads. Any video ad, on any site — Adguard will block it.
– Application filtering. Adguard blocks ads of any kinds and not only in all browsers,
but in programs as well! Even in Windows UI applications (apps from Windows Store).
– Adguard has intuitive and simple UI with such additional features like Adguard Assistant, Filter editor and Filtering log.
– Daily ad filters and phishing databases updates.
New in version 6:
– Adguard user interface has been completely redesigned. Now has a modern Adguard “tile” design.
– Adguard been translated into many languages. This includes a user interface assistant Adguard, filters, etc.
– The positions of the application window is now saved and restored when you restart the application
– in the notification menu redesigned, improved availability of different options through the notification area
– The interface of the new version is much more friendly to blind users or users with low vision
– The speed of the user interface and loading speed were significantly optimized memory consumption greatly reduced.
– Now, when you first start Adguard shows the welcome screen for you to determine Adguard and briefly telling about its capabilities.
– Upgrading to a new version of Adguard 5 is now possible and does not lead to a loss of settings.
– New ability to change the channel updates on “Beta” and get all the beta updates, including updates Assistant and extensions.
– Anti tracking – a new module has been added. It protects your personal information online in various ways, including blocking cookies external sources, hiding IP addresses, and much more.
– Improved support for application filtering.
Whats New:
This is rather a hotfix then beta for those users who experienced problems with filtering via TDI driver.
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver #2308
مساحة البرنامج 25 ميجا