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برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 Adobe Premiere Rush CC v1.0.3 |
برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 | Adobe Premiere Rush CC v1.0.3
أصبح الان مقاطع الفيديو أكثر شعبية واستخداما في الشبكات الاجتماعية.
ولكن يظل من الصعب دائماً إنشاء مقاطع الفيديو للمستخدم العادي ليس أمرًا بالسهلً ، لأنه يتطلب بعض من مهارات التحرير.
ومن أجل هذه المهمة للمستخدمين المبتدئين ، أصدرت شركة Adobe منتجًا جديدا بإسم أدوبى بريمير راش
Premiere Rush CC as Adobe هو نسخة مبسطة من Premiere Pro هو تطبيق مصمم لعشاق الفلوجات وهواة التصوير.
وفقًا لـ Adobe ، لا يحتاج الشخص المبدع إلى أن يصبح خبيرًا في مجال تحرير الفيديو لإنشاء فيلم رائع.
خاصة إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تسجيل الفيديو بشكل يومي ، لهذه الأغراض يفضل استخدام Premiere Rush.
وفى هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم اليوم ان شاء الله آخر إصدار من البرنامج معه التفعيل
برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 | Adobe Premiere Rush CC v1.0.3
Videos are becoming more popular in social networks. But the average user to create videos is not always easy, because, as a rule, requires editing skills. It is in order to maximize simplify this task for novice users, and Adobe has released product
Premiere Rush CC as Adobe is a simplified version of Premiere Pro is an application designed for mobile videoblogerov and shooting enthusiasts. According to Adobe, the creative person does not need to become an expert in the field of video editing to create a cool movie. Especially if you need to install video on a daily basis, for these purposes is perfect Premiere Rush. In Adobe Premiere Rush CC can be done editing and installation with tools to work with color, sound, animated graphics, text, and so on. Workpiece quality animations and screensavers have right in the app, and you can download hundreds more available on Adobe Stock if desired. You can change the font, color and size to match the result is greater than the desired style.
System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft Windows 10 with 64-bit support (Version 1709 or later)
CPU:Multicore processor with 64-bit support (Recommended: Intel Core i5 or i7, or equivalent)
Memory:8 GB of RAM
Hard Disk:8 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; extra free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Monitor:1280×800 display (1920×1080 or larger recommended)
Adobe Premiere Rush CC Release notes:
Adobe Premiere Rush issues on Windows 10
-HEIF images (default for iPhone X) are not supported on Windows. Projects with HEIF media are shown as “offline” and media needs to be relinked or re-added to the project.
This issue occurs if you start a project on an iOS device (such as iPhone X) that captures HEIF, and then try to open the project on Premiere Rush on Windows 10.
-Windows video display (graphic card) may sometimes require a driver update in order to properly play back media in Premiere Rush. If drivers are not updated, playback issues such as a yellow screen or blurred green/pink lines may occur.
What changed build the author:
– The product has been updated to version
– Build collected based on a stand-alone installer Adobe version, inaccessible to the public.
– The original installer program significantly redesigned and optimized. In particular, the choice of installation path is available and the program interface language.
– From the installer except for the minimum necessary cut module Adobe Creative Cloud, set by the original installer to fail.
– From the installer except for the minimum necessary cut module Adobe Desktop Common, set by the original installer to fail.
– The program is already disinfected. It can be used immediately after installation.
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برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 , تحميل برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 , تنزيل برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 , حمل مجانا برنامج أدوبى بريمير راش 2019 , Adobe Premiere Rush , برنامج Adobe Premiere Rush , تحميل برنامج Adobe Premiere Rush , تفعيل برنامج Adobe Premiere Rush , كراك برنامج Adobe Premiere Rush