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افضل ويندوز اكس بي جيمرز 2018 | Windows Xp Pro VL Sp3 Gamers

افضل ويندوز اكس بي جيمرز 2018 | Windows Xp Pro VL Sp3 Gamers

افضل ويندوز اكس بي جيمرز 2018 | Windows Xp Pro VL Sp3 Gamers

أحدث إصدارات ويندوز إكس بى المعدلة والمخصصة لتشغيل الالعاب
نسخة Windows Xp Gamers مبنية على أساس Xp Pro Student مضاف إليه الحزمة لخدمية الثالثة SP3 وكذلك آخر التحديثات الأمنية الهامة
يتميز Windows Xp Gamers بإحتوائه على البرامج والتعريفات والأدوات الداعمة لتشغيل الالعاب
Windows Xp Pro VL Sp3 Gamer Edition x86 April 2018 Team-LiL
كذلك يتميز Windows Xp Gamers بشكله المميز بثيم جديد باللون الأسود
هذه النسخة من إنتاج فريق Lil العالمى والشهير بإنتاج أنظمة التشغيل

Windows Xp Pro VL Sp3 Gamer Edition x86 April 2018 Team-LiL
special thanks to ghost killa for stripped down xp idea’s
this windows was made with xp pro student sp0 RTM as the source disk,
with Sp3 Build 5512 added and upto date hotfixes added
no need for any wga cracks with this one
it passes online as fully Genuine
(student edition based + proper student vl key)
official validation of Microsoft
You do not need to use cracks and stuff,
install and use as if you have a licensed copy.
This so-called “student” copy of XP,
it is used for educational purposes and there fore
it is designed for multiple installation without
further contact with black-list Windows Genuine Advantage.
This version of Windows XP SP3 does not require activation
and is the official validation of Microsoft.
the vl cd-key is slipstreamed into the cd so no need to put when installing
from system bootup installation
tcp ip = 16777215
uxtheme applyed (can use unsigned themes)
Default windows language ENGLISH/UK
please change to your own language once installed
use ‘Regional and Language Options’ after in Control panel.
as its a fully unattended install
i burned the iso image with nero.. this will fit on a dvd-rom
please do a clean install from system bootup with this windows disk.
this is not a upgrade disk,
as the upgrade features have been taken out.
Framework 1.0 – 4.0
Internet explorer 8
c++ 2005 – 2017
Flash activex , plugin , ppapi
K-lite mega 1382 (last version support xp) including media player classic
Process priority saver 200.2751
WinRAR 5.50
Directx 9 , 10 , 11
JoyToKey 591Virtual 902

افضل ويندوز اكس بي جيمرز 2018 | Windows Xp Pro VL Sp3 Gamers

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